“The officers have left the city, instead, we see freshly mobilized”, testifies a resident of Kherson

What is happening in Kherson, in the south of Ukraine, in this city occupied by the Russians since the beginning of the invasion and which kyiv is in the process of retaking? Since Moscow shut down the Internet, no information has leaked. Our reporters managed to reach a resident.

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Vitaly doesn’t speak loudly because the Russians could burst in at any time, but he wants to show his determination despite spending eight months under occupation in the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson. “Yes, I’m waiting for the release just like most people who stay in the city now, he confirms. I don’t hide, but I try not to go out in the street unless it’s necessary”.

The Russians shut down the internet, isolating the inhabitants from the rest of the world. Vitaly only goes out to run a few errands. Not easy because prices have skyrocketed and there are only three pharmacies open in the whole city. “I’m not afraid, but I have a kind of fear deep inside me. As soon as you step outside, you don’t know what can happen to you”.

“If you say something wrong, if you look wrong, they can send you to the basement.”

Vitaly, a resident of Kherson

at franceinfo

Basements, Vitaly unfortunately knows them well. It was there that he was beaten for several hours. From his home, he hears the loudspeakers ordering them to leave and in the distance the sound of artillery fire. “I don’t believe there will be a nuclear strike. It’s more a kind of intimidationreassures Vitaly. I don’t think they’re going to blow up the Kakhovska dam either. I think it’s more to put pressure on the population, and on the government”.

>> REPORT. “We can’t shell the city, there are still a lot of Ukrainians inside”: in Kherson, the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian army slows down

Vitaly noticed that“there are fewer soldiers in the city”. He also observed “that the contingent has changed. The officers have left town, he says. In his opinion, “They left for the left bank of the Dnieper. Instead, we see freshly mobilized people. It shows in their way of behaving, in their clothing”. Vitaly finally describes a ransacked city. The Russians even looted the windows of the town hall and all the office furniture.

The rare testimony of a resident of Kherson, joined by Gaële Joly and Anna Ognyanyck, despite the blackout imposed by the Russians in the occupied city.

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