the office of the Socialist Party vandalized, a complaint is filed

The mayor of Morlaix denounces an “imbecile and intolerable act with unspeakable Nazi and anti-Semitic references” which must “shame the authors”.

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The Socialist Party office in Douarnenez, Finistère, was vandalized overnight from Saturday to Sunday, Jean-Paul Vermot, Socialist Mayor of Morlaix and member of the Union of Socialist and Republican elected representatives of the department, said on Sunday March 27. , on Twitter, supporting photos.

The chosen one publishes photos of the permanence marked with several tags with very different political and historical references: several swastikas referring to Nazism, a sickle and a hammer recalling Leninist communism, the inscription “Acab” signing “All cops are bastards” (All cops are bastards), and several Zs, a reference to Éric Zemmour, far-right presidential candidate for 2022. Socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo’s campaign posters are crossed out.

The local section of the PS has filed a complaint, learned France Bleu Breizh Izel from Florence Crom, an elected socialist from Douarnenez. The mayor of Morlaix denounces a “a foolish and intolerable act with unspeakable Nazi and anti-Semitic references” who should do “shame on the authors”. The deputy mayor of Rennes and former vice-president of the departmental council of Finistère, Béatrice Hakni-Robin, regrets on Twitter “infamous anti-Semitic degradations”from “unacceptable acts [qui] gravely undermine democracy and must be strongly condemned”.

In a press release published on Sunday evening, the prefect of Finistère Philippe Mahé “condemns in the strongest terms these heinous anti-Semitic acts”. The State representative also indicates “having ordered the gendarmerie forces to do everything possible to find the perpetrators of these acts and bring them to justice so that they can answer for their actions”.

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