the occupation of the Sorbonne ends after 30 hours of blocking


France 2

Article written by

J.-C.Batteria, France 3 Regions, A.Da Silva – France 2

France Televisions

Students blocked the Sorbonne University in Paris for 30 hours to oppose the results of the first round of the presidential election. They left the scene on Thursday April 14, a little after midnight.

Shortly after midnight, Thursday April 14, the thirty students who occupied the Sorbonne (Paris) voluntarily left the university, to the applause of their comrades. The occupation lasted 30 hours. “We would like to make a voice of youth heard, a voice that is concerned about its future, the climate, inequalities, and it is not at all the second round”explains a student.

The two candidates for the presidential election reacted to the occupation, as well as to that of Sciences-Po Paris. “They failed the democracy course, they skipped it, what were they doing? I think it’s deeply anti-democratic [de] to oppose the will expressed by the French people”quipped Marine Le Pen on BFM, on the morning of Friday 15. “Democracy is made up of rules”meanwhile hammered Emmanuel Macron on Franceinfo, indicating that he “challenges the fact that the far right would be the same as (…) the project [qu’il] defend”. The main student unions have invited people to join the demonstrations against the far-right on Saturday April 16.

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