the occupants finally break the silence and reveal the crazy sums offered by the owners!

On June 10, Élodie and Laurent moved the whole of France thanks to a video shared by the Parisian. Video in which the couple claimed to be faced with a complicated situation. Owners of a house in Olainville, in Essonne, they explained that they could not access their property because of… squatters. Unfortunately, the duo’s account was quickly thrown into doubt. “ They bought a house that they knew was illegally occupied by a family. But they found it difficult to admit that they were aware of the presence of these squatters, especially to our teams, their story on this subject was a little vague. “, recently revealed BFM TV.

Indeed, it very quickly turned out that the squatters in question were in fact the victims of a scam. Ready to do anything to restore the truth, Saber B recently gave an interview to Parisian. According to information from our colleagues, he also made the decision to file a complaint for fraud and aggravated violence.

“In the country, it happens like this”

The father of the family explains that he bought the property from a certain Issam A., “ an acquaintance who presents himself as the owner “. He then makes him sign ” a false sales agreement on August 29, 2021″, “of an over-the-counter contract, as can be done in Tunisia” reports master Samia Maktouf, Saber’s lawyer. ” In the country, it happens like this “, specifies the latter.

Unfortunately, the contract is a fake. In reality, the house belongs to the niece of a deceased old woman who, to get out of the way of the many squatters, chose to put it up for sale. Seeing that ” the house is not legally occupied, so the agency offers it at a low price to Laurent and Élodie. Proof that the couple was therefore aware of the situation. Saber also explains that he was visited by the couple on several occasions. ” They came to offer me 2,000 euros to leave, then 5,000, then 10,000”. “The couple climbed the gate, then were joined by a dozen burly friends, sometimes helmeted or masked “. Charges that Laurent denies as a whole. And the worker concludes: I’m here to work, not to fight, I don’t want no more problems “. For the moment, Saber’s family has been rehoused, but the latter intends to recover his house…


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