“The observation phase is very important” to find training, insists a guidance counselor

Phase 1 of the Parcoursup platform begins Tuesday, December 21 and the private guidance counselor, founder of the Tonavenir.net network, Sophie Laborde-Balen, believes on franceinfo that this “observation phase” is “very important” because it allows you to find a lot of information on post-baccalaureate training.

“It is not a phase to register the pupil, but the observation phase is already very interesting”, she explains. “You can find a lot of things there.”

“We can see the open days, the status of the school, whether it is a public or private training under contract or private without contract, the registration fees, the tuition fees but also the percentage of students admitted. last year compared to the students who applied. “

Sophie Laborde-Balen, guidance counselor

to franceinfo

“Its very important”, she continues, even if registrations are not yet open on the platform. The guidance counselor believes that “you have to worry about it now, you shouldn’t wait too long”. Ideally, you should even think about it from the third or the second to have time to find what you want to do later, according to her.

“The difficulty, with young people in terminal, often is there: what do I want to do? Once they have determined that, it must be translated into training and it is not so simple that This is because not only do you have to know the name of the training which ultimately corresponds to their professional objectives, but in addition you have to correspond to the expectations of these students. It’s a bit complex “, notes the specialist.

Sophie Laborde-Balen also gives some advice to parents of pupils. “Very anxious parents don’t help matters”, according to her, because they can, by dint of insistence, provoke “blocking situations” in their children. It is better if the family has prepared for it years in advance and is calm.

>> Post-baccalaureate apprenticeship at the heart of Orientation Days at Bruz high school: “Jobs that recruit!”

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