the obligation to set aside crops could be lifted on Wednesday March 23


France 2

Article written by

D.Lachaud, G.Le Goff, L.Houel – France 2

France Televisions

Faced with rising costs for farmers, Europe could decide to lift the obligation to set aside crops on Wednesday 23 March.

On his farm in Seine-et-Marne, Charles de Bisschop, a farmer, harvested 1,500 tonnes of wheat last year. But for the past few weeks, the state of the market has been worrying him: “In the rest of the world, especially China, Australia and South America, the cereal harvests did not go very well”explains the farmer, adding that the war in Ukraine has aggravated the situation of tension in the grain market.

To avoid a global food crisis, the Minister of Agriculture calls for more production. An impossible increase according to Charles de Bisschop, because from 2023, European law will require him to put 4% of his fields fallow, that is to say at rest. The farmer has already sold all his wheat stock. A temporary derogation to use fallow land could be announced on Wednesday March 23.

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