the objective in palliative care is to “double French investment within ten years”, assures Catherine Vautrin


Video duration: 5 min

End of life: the objective in palliative care is to “double French investment within ten years”, assures Catherine Vautrin

Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, is the guest of 20 Heures, Monday March 11. She details the bill on assisted dying that will be presented.

(France 2)

Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, is the guest of 20 Heures, Monday March 11. She details the bill on assisted dying that will be presented.

A bill on assisted dying will be debated in the National Assembly from May 27. It provides that an adult person, capable of exercising discernment and suffering from a serious and incurable illness, can request assistance in dying. For this, his vital prognosis must be engaged in the short or medium term. “We can imagine that in the short term, we are talking about a few days or a few months, medium term, it is six to twelve months, that is the reading of the High Authority of Health”indicates Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, guest of 20 Heures, Monday March 11.

Palliative care offered before requesting assistance in dying

When a patient expresses a request for assistance in dying, “The first question that will be asked is to offer him palliative care.”, adds Catherine Vautrin. The second part of this text of law wishes “put in place a palliative care strategy, which will aim to double French investment within ten years”, specifies the Minister of Health. Once the request has been expressed, there is “the collegial opinion of doctors”adds Catherine Vautrin.

The patient may ask for help from someone to kill themselves. “We can have a nursing staff administer it, in the presence of loved ones or not, that is a discussion that must take place with the patient and the medical team”concludes the Minister of Health.

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