“The Nupes deputies come as they could go to the beach”, denounces an RN deputy



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Deputy LR Eric Ciotti wrote to the President of the National Assembly, this Thursday, asking her to make it compulsory to wear a tie for male deputies in the hemicycle.

“Wearing a tie does not seem absurd to me”, estimated Friday July 22 on franceinfo the spokesperson for the RN group in the National Assembly Laure Lavalette. She was reacting to the proposal of deputy LR Eric Ciotti to make the tie compulsory for male deputies in the hemicycle.

>>> Lower prices at the pump, purchasing power law, wearing a tie in the National Assembly… Laure Lavalette’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Laure Lavalette talks about a “respect” of the institution: “When we saw the Nupe deputies arrive, cross-legged on the lawn of the refreshment bar, even the ushers were hallucinating saying that they had never seen that.”

“That’s why the term ZAD was also used, continued the spokesperson for the RN deputies. They come there like they could go to the beach, it’s not possible. I think they are not in the spirit of the institution.” “We are in an institution that is beautiful, we are in magnificent premises. As we are not far left, as we are not Islamo-leftists, we respect the institution”, she added.

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