the Nupes censure motion, much ado about nothing?

The motion of censure has no chance of being adopted. It’s like a blank shot: lots of noise but no risk to the target. The deputies of the Nupes are 151, a socialist deputy did not sign the motion of censure. The right and the RN have already explained that they would not vote for it. It therefore has virtually no chance of reaching a majority, ie 289 votes.

>> Motion of censure: the deputies debate Monday afternoon the text tabled by the Nupes against the government

This is also practically the rule since since the beginning of the Fifth Republic: 111 motions of censure have been filed since and they have been rejected… 110 times. The objective of a motion of censure is therefore not to overthrow a government, but above all to assert a political position. Thus, for the Nupes, this motion of censure must enable it to claim the leadership of the opposition. To affirm and claim that the opposition is the left. A frontal opposition, without concession, without pas de deux with the government, like Marine Le Pen who affirmed this weekend to say “100 times yes” to Gérald Darmanin, who wants to expel foreigners who have committed serious acts.

The government’s objective is always to obtain compromises. Through this motion of censure, the four groups of the Nupes, answer them no, “100 times no“. The motion of censure was also tabled on Wednesday July 6, at the start of the afternoon, even before Elisabeth Borne’s general policy speech. It was not a question of censoring what she could say. , but to censor what it represents: a government”illegitimate”, according to France Insoumise.

This Monday, the four leaders of the parliamentary groups of Nupes will reaffirm their opposition without concession. And put the right and the RN at the foot of the wall. But this motion of censure risks, for the Nupes, having no future.
Because the Communists, the Socialists and the Greens do not share the strategy of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

For the leader of LFI, this Assembly is already a dead end. The only solution, according to him, is mobilization in the street, and ultimately dissolution. In private, Fabien Roussel, of EELV, judges that this position is “bullshit“, because the elections have just taken place. The Socialists, led by Boris Vallaud, intend, for their part, to take advantage as much as possible of the new parliamentary regime that emerged from the ballot box.

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