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The death of two people in less than 24 hours following refusal to comply underlined the increase in this crime and the tragedies associated with it. facts that pose also the question of the use of arms by the police.
In Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) and Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), two fatal shots were recorded in less than 24 hours following refusal to comply. A crime on the increase in recent years, and police officers who feel more and more exposed. “We are no longer talking about refusal to comply, it is violence with a weapon, it is people who, with their vehicles, try to voluntarily hit police officers”believes Mr. Laurent-Frank Lienard, lawyer for a police officer implicated.
“It is unthinkable that in a democratic state, one can die for a refusal to comply, what is more when they are collateral victims. One can wonder if today the police do not have the trigger a little easy and therefore the need to review things”, pleads for his part Me Vincent Brengharth. What do the numbers say? There was a sharp spike in shootings in 2017, then the number stabilized at around 150 per year. What changed in 2017 is the permission for police officers to shoot in more situations. According to the IGPN, the number of judicial investigations implicating police officers having used their weapon is decreasing.