the number of unemployed in category A remained stable in January compared to the previous month

In January, 3.024 million job seekers in category A were identified, according to figures from Dares published on Monday.

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The number of job seekers registered in category A remained almost stable in January compared to December 2022 (-0.22%), with 6,800 fewer unemployed, according to figures from Dares published on Monday February 27. In total, there were 3.024 million unemployed in this category, according to the statistics service of the Ministry of Labour.

Including reduced activity (categories B and C), the number of job seekers in France (excluding Mayotte) increased by 0.25% (+13,200) to 5.388 million people. The share of long-term job seekers, ie registered for a year or more, is 44.1%. Dares does not comment on the monthly data, which is too volatile, favoring quarterly changes.

The latest quarterly results published at the end of January had reported a sharp drop in category A unemployed, by 3.6% in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter, i.e. 114,400 fewer registered. But including reduced activity, categories B and C of Pôle Emploi, the number of job seekers fell by only 0.8%.

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