the number of tests has increased further, especially among those under 16

In this context, the government has decided to lower the price of tests again from Friday, according to a decree published in the “Official Journal”.

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Looks like a new wave. The number of Covid-19 screening tests, which started to rise again in early March, jumped another 27% last week, according to figures published on Thursday March 31 by the Ministry of Health. More than 3.8 million antigen and PCR tests were carried out between March 21 and 27, compared to just under 3 million the previous week.

This third consecutive increase confirms the clear resumption of screenings, in particular among those under 16, after two months of decline from January to early March. The trend follows that of the epidemic, which has also been racing for three weeks, with the average number of positive cases rising from 52,000 to 136,000 over the period.

In this context, and given the volume “very significant” of antigenic tests already reimbursed since the beginning of the year (more than 45 million), the government has decided to lower their prices again from Friday April 1, according to a decree published in the Official newspaper Thursday.

The price in pharmacies will thus drop from 20 to 16.50 euros, or 23% less. For the other professions authorized to carry out tests (doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, midwives, dentists), the reduction will be just over 4 euros, or between 20% and 30% depending on the case.

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