the number of screening tests carried out in a week drops below 10 million

The volume of tests has begun “a decline for two weeks, in particular among those under 66”, according to DREES.

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Less than 10 million Covid-19 screening tests were carried out between January 24 and 30, according to figures published Thursday February 3 by the Ministry of Health. Nearly 9.3 million RT-PCR and antigenic tests were validated over this period, against nearly 10.7 million the previous week, said the Statistics Department (Drees) in a press release.

After nine weeks of uninterrupted growth since the All Saints holidays and “the beginning of the fifth wave” epidemic, the volume of tests is starting “a decline for two weeks, especially among those under 66”, adds the Drees. A daily peak of 2.28 million tests had been reached on January 10

The seven-day rolling average of the number of new positive cases stood at 306,076 cases on Wednesday evening, compared to 365,130 the previous week. “Across the country, we have passed the peak of contaminations. (…) We are reaching the peak of hospitalizations, said the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, Wednesday on BFMTV. We did the hardest part of this wave.”

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