the number of real estate loans granted has fallen in one year


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

C. Rigeade, S. Zeller, J. Messa, K. Douti, D. Da Meda, O. Palomino, M. Marini – France 2

France Televisions

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, hinted at the implementation of a relaxation concerning the rules for obtaining a mortgage. Their number has indeed plummeted for a year, so that many French people are no longer able to buy.

“My house had to be right in the middle of the field. But, unfortunately, it’s not done”. The future home of Xavier Tingry will not see the light of day. His home loan was refused by five banks. In one year, the builder in charge of the project has seen three times more abandonments than usual. Despite his comfortable income, Xavier Tingry’s loan request of 570,000 euros was rejected.

Loans not profitable enough for banks

Maël Bernier, spokesperson at Meilleurtaux, finds real estate loans for one out of two projects, compared to two out of three in 2021. “Today, the interest rates charged by the banks are not high enough for them to make money, that’s why they have stepped back”, she believes. Professionals are calling for a relaxation of the criteria. This summer, it should be easier to get a mortgage.

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