the number of people hospitalized continues to fall

Hospitals matter Monday 22,208 patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of Covid-19, 45 less than the previous day (22,253) and 2,871 less than a week ago (25,079).

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The number of patients hospitalized due to Covid-19 continues to slowly decline, Monday, March 7, according to daily figures released by health authorities.

Hospitals have 22,208 patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of Covid-19 on Monday (including 1,274 admitted in the past 24 hours), 45 less than the day before (22,253) and 2,871 less than a week ago ( 25,079).

The critical care services receive 2,089 patients (including 153 admissions). This is slightly more than the day before (2,079), but 367 less than last Monday (2,456).

The number of new positive cases stands at 14,496, according to Public Health France. Monday figures are not necessarily representative due to the closure of many laboratories on weekends.

The seven-day average, the most faithful witness to the real trend in recorded contaminations, stands at 52,715 cases, down from the 57,034 cases recorded last Monday.

Hospital deaths in 24 hours stand at 173, bringing the death toll to 139,451 since this outbreak began just over two years ago.

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