the number of patients in the hospital is not falling, the cases are increasing

At a press conference on Tuesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) said several European countries, including Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom, had lifted their restrictions too “brutally”. anti-Covid measures.

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Covid-19 infections are on the rise again. The number of new cases identified on Tuesday is 180,777, against 116,618 seven days earlier, according to figures published on Tuesday March 22 by Public Health France. The seven-day average, which smooths out the daily jolts, stands at 98,928 cases, compared to an average of 69,249 cases last Tuesday and 54,609 the previous day.

At the same time, the number of Covid patients in critical care, a highly scrutinized indicator, continues to decrease, with 1,604 people in intensive care units, compared to 1,632 the day before and 1,783 last Tuesday. Hospitals are welcoming a total of 20,742 Covid patients (including 1,562 new patients), compared to 20,919 patients on March 15, thus marking a slowdown in the drop in the number of people hospitalized.

In the past 24 hours, 146 deaths have been recorded, and 141,218 people have died since the start of the pandemic more than two years ago in hospitals, retirement homes or other medico-social establishments due to of infection with Covid-19. On the vaccination side, 54.24 million people in total have received at least one injection (80.4% of the total population), according to the General Directorate of Health, and 53.32 million have a complete vaccination schedule (79.1 %).

At a press conference on Tuesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) said several European countries, including Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom, had raised too much “brutally” their anti-Covid measures and were faced with a sharp rise in cases under the effect of the BA.2 sub-variant. The director of the WHO in Europe, Hans Kluge, said to himself “vigilant” on the current epidemic situation on the continent, while affirming to remain “optimistic”.

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