The number of new COVID-19 cases stands at 545 in Quebec

After the upsurge in recent days, the COVID-19 pandemic seems to give Quebec authorities a respite.

According to data released Sunday by the Ministry of Health, 545 new cases have been identified since the previous report. There were 688 of them the day before. Authorities have identified 429,864 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Santé Québec indicates that 333 of these 545 new cases had not been vaccinated or had received a first dose less than 14 days ago. One hundred and ninety-three newly infected people had received two doses for at least seven days.

Over the past seven days, the average of new cases stands at 558.

Three new deaths have been added to the death toll. We now deplore 11,518 deaths linked to COVID-19 since its appearance in Quebec.

The situation has remained relatively stable in hospitals where the number of patients has increased from 229 to 227. There are 50 people reported in intensive care, one less than the day before.

However, the number of active outbreaks increased from 433 to 437.

A total of 25,507 analyzes were performed on November 5. The positivity rate increased by a tenth of a point to 2.2.

Authorities also said that 6,285 doses of the vaccine, including 3,789 second doses, were administered over the past 24 hours, for a total of more than 13.34 million.

The percentage of people aged 12 and over who received a first dose is still around 91%. It is also reported that approximately 87% of the Quebec population received a second dose.

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