This is the “highest number recorded since 2017”, the Frontex agency said on Friday.
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The number of detected entries of migrants into the EU through the central Mediterranean has “more than doubled” in 2023 compared to last year for the same period, but has dropped in the western Mediterranean and in the western Balkans, noted Friday June 16 the European agency Frontex. In the first five months of 2023, EU countries recorded more than 50,300 irregular entries of migrants arriving through the central Mediterranean, “the highest number recorded since 2017”the agency said in a statement.
“The central Mediterranean remains the main migratory route to the European Union”and counted “for nearly half of illegal arrivals in 2023”, added Frontex. In all, the number of arrivals reported to the agency between January and the end of May was 102,000, 12% more than for the same period last year. The second busiest route is the Western Balkan route, with more than 30,700 entries, down 25% from a year earlier.
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All other routes, except the Central Mediterranean route, also recorded declines, ranging from -6% for the Western Mediterranean to -47% for the West African route. These declines are mainly due “to the long period of bad weather, which made always dangerous journeys even more risky”. But migratory pressure remains “high”And “we can expect a resurgence of activity of smugglers in the coming months”concludes Frontex.