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The number of reports in schools for attacks on secularism doubled in October compared to September. Many are related to the wearing of religious attire. The Minister of National Education has therefore published a circular to specify what is prohibited and to call for sanctions for these violations.
On Interneta young girl, head covered and long religious dress, claims to film herself in the corridors of her high school. Another one claims wear an outfit for which she has already been sanctioned. In October, 720 reports of attacks on secularism were recorded, ie 130% more than in September. “We would be wrong to limit what is happening to adolescent provocations (…). It is an identity and religious entrepreneur offensive behind which uses adolescents for political purposes”says Iannis Roder, professor of history and geography.
The incidents largely concern the wearing of religious attire or symbols, but there are also verbal provocations or the contestation of certain teachings. Since the assassination of Samuel patyNational Education calls for nothing more to pass. Thursday, November 10, the government reinforced its arsenal by giving the headteacher a new circular with tools and a methodology to tackle the problem. But this is insufficient for the teachers’ unions.