the number of children affected by pneumonia in France is increasing


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Health: the number of children affected by pneumonia in France is increasing

An increase in respiratory diseases is currently affecting China, prompting concern from the World Health Organization. In France, questions are being raised as an increase in the number of pneumonias among children is noted. – (Franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – F. Bouquillat, F. Prabonnaud, E. Bailly, A. Chopin, L. Kisiela, J. Weyl, V. Bouffartigue, R. Mathé, M. Wang, D. Aysun

France Televisions

An increase in respiratory diseases is currently affecting China, prompting concern from the World Health Organization. In France, questions are being raised as an increase in the number of pneumonias among children is noted.

Fatigue, a persistent cough: these are the symptoms which, for several days, have led many children like Enzo, 10 years old, to consult their pediatrician. “Enzo’s auscultation strongly suggests a mycoplasma type superinfection”, says his doctor. A bacteria that can cause pneumonia. For several weeks, this respiratory infection has been worrying. Different from bronchiolitis, it increases especially among those under 15 years old. Between July and November, visits to the emergency room or consultations with SOS Médecins increased from less than 1% to almost 3%.

Chinese hospitals are overwhelmed

“Every 4-5 years we have an increase in the number of pneumonias, a mycoplasma. It is normal that we see a greater increase given that there was Covid, barrier gestures, and therefore that the immunity has decreased. A priori, there are no links with what is happening in China.”indicates Yasdan Yasdanpanah, head of the infectious diseases department at Bichat hospital, and director of the ANRS emerging infectious diseases.

In China, hospitals are overwhelmed. Hundreds of worried parents line up with their feverish or coughing children. According to the Chinese authorities, this increase is explained by the abandonment of health restriction measures this year. The World Health Organization does not officially express concern, but asks China to publish additional information.

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