the number of calls to 3919 stable between 2021 and 2022

At 3919, a telephone listening platform for victims of gender-based and sexual violence, 93,000 calls were received in 2022, according to the National Women’s Solidarity Federation. She predicts an increase in the number of calls in 2023.


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3919 is open 24/7.  (AURÉLIEN ACCART / FRANCE-INFO)

The number of calls to 3919, the national Violence against women info hotline, was stable between 2021 and 2022, according to figures communicated on Wednesday November 22 by the National Women’s Solidarity Federation (FNSF).

In 2022, 93,005 calls were handled, compared to 92,674 for the year 2021. If this number is stable between 2021 and 2022, it is however up 14% since 2019. “The same trend continues” for the year 2023 with 48,874 calls in the first half of the year. In total, the FNSF projects a number of calls supported of 97,748 for the whole of 2023.

“The same trends in 2022”

Violence against women represents 57,137 calls in 2022, or 6,206 additional calls compared to 2021 (12% more). The number of calls for domestic violence (52,627) also increased by almost 8% compared to 2021. Calls for sexual violence increased by 26% compared to 2021.

“Opening at night tends to encourage greater traffic in calls for sexual violence.”

the National Women’s Solidarity Federation

in a press release

In 2022, nearly one in five women said they had been threatened with death when listening“, also specifies the FNSF. “As in 2021, the FNSF’s findings concerning the worsening of violence remain the same: marital rape, death threats, attempted murder, economic violence with the same trends in 2022.

Since the end of June 2021, 3919 has been open 24/7. Between 10,000 and 12,000 calls are handled each month.

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