the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region freezes the price of meals and boarding in high schools

The price of foodstuffs is increasing, but the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region announces this Thursday in a press release that the price of meals and accommodation in the high schools for which it is responsible will remain unchanged for families. The elected representatives of the Regional Council of New Aquitaine, acted on it on Monday, meeting in a permanent committee in Limoges. This measure represents a budgetary effort of 3.6 million euros.

The establishments _” will also have additional resources, i.e. around 0.17 euros per meal, to guarantee quality without impacting the family budget. Finally, to support the most vulnerable families, the aid systems existing social services will also be renewed in 2023″,_specify Alain Rousset, president of the Regional Council of New Aquitaine, Jean-Louis Nembrini, vice-president in charge of high schools, and Sandrine Derville, vice-president in charge of finance.

Social pricing at the start of the 2023-2024 school year

In New Aquitaine, a meal today costs around 9 euros. 35% are paid for by the families, the remaining 65% by the Region, either directly (via staff costs) or through aid paid to the establishment. For the start of the 2023-2024 school year, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region plans to set up solidarity pricing which will take family income into account when calculating the price.

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