The (not so strange) priorities of the CAQ

We learned, this Thursday, May 19, what will be the priorities of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ). In fact, the CAQ will hold its national convention on May 28 and 29 in Drummondville under the sign of Quebec pride, with the slogan “A proud Quebec”. But should we be proud, as Quebecers, of the CAQ and its future proposals?

Posted yesterday at 2:00 p.m.

Raphael Fievez

Raphael Fievez
Social Work Technician and Certificate Student in Philosophy

Let’s take a brief detour by looking at some proposals that will be debated during these two days of congress (in preparation for future elections). From the outset, the document consists of 13 pages, containing 23 proposals.

We could believe, without having read the lines and the titles, that the CAQ will concentrate on the crucial issues, but this is to be mistaken about the Prime Minister’s intentions, his insight and his knowledge of the terrain and the concerns of Quebecers.

We thus find, in the 23 propositions1the idea of ​​creating “a museum of the national history of Quebec”, of “creating a compulsory course in the history of Quebec” in CEGEPs, of asking once again for the transfer of jurisdiction over immigration to the federal government or again, to create a digital platform listing Quebec shows by allowing you to have rewards when purchasing tickets.

As a French-speaking nation in an Anglo-Saxon environment, we cannot deny the importance of defending French, through various measures (francization of immigrants, improvement of students’ knowledge of French, etc.). However, we are currently experiencing a crisis in several respects.

Denial about the current crises?

What about the housing crisis with skyrocketing prices, speculation, evictions for renovations or other reasons? Yes, according to the Prime Minister, it is possible to find housing for $500 a month. But he cannot deny the discontent of the population about the prices, the lack of housing, the lack of regulations concerning the potential abuses of certain owners.

What about the climate crisis? The temperatures do not deceive. We observe well, we feel the differences. We are alerted each year to the disappearance of thousands of bees. We are informed about the effects of the use of our cars or our actions. But, according to the Prime Minister, the third link will help. According to him, building a road (causing more cars) will have a beneficial effect on the fight against global warming.


Demonstration against the third link project in Lévis, March 26, 2022

What about purchasing power and rising inflation? Prices are constantly rising, causing difficult decisions for many families. Some have to calculate every little dollar to know if they will be able to buy a pound of butter or milk for their children. But the government’s response: a small check and the problem is solved (note that it is a refundable tax credit).

What about the coroner’s recommendations to improve the lives of our vulnerable people in residences? What about the labor shortage across Quebec?

Perhaps we should explain to the Prime Minister and his cronies the importance of reading and understanding Maslow’s pyramid.

Indeed, what do we find in the first and second levels of the pyramid? Health, housing, the need for food… in fact, what makes it possible to live. Nationalism, belonging and self-esteem come later, when people can feel safe (food, housing, etc.).

Should we then be proud of your proposals? For me, it’s more of a shame.

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