The North is on drought alert

The land is dry, and the rivers have greatly diminished in the north. “Since March 2022, the weather has been extremely mild”, writes the prefecture in a press release. The winter was one of the mildest in 75 years and the North experienced four years of droughtbefore a particularly rainy summer last year.

At least until June 6

In these conditions, the prefect of the North has decided to classify the department in drought vigilance from this Thursday. The order is in effect until at least June 6 and “in the event of worsening hydrological or meteorological conditions, restrictive measures may be activated by prefectural decree”.

The prefecture asks users to reduce their consumption of drinking water as well as their withdrawals from natural environments. It concerns individuals, but also companies, industrialists, farmers... The information will be diffused in all the communes of the department.

source site-38