The Norman group The Eternal Youth releases its third album, a rock cocktail of eternal youth

Meeting with the four members of the punk-rock group from Caen who prepares the release of his third album.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture



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The counter of the years may scroll, we can keep in ourselves the same energy as in thes younger years. Among the four guys from The Eternal Youth, she’s been rocking for a long time. The group is in concert this Sunday, October 30 at La Cave de Monsieur Guy in Boulogne-sur-Mer.

The opportunity for the public to discover Life is an Illusion, Love is a Drumthird installment of the four friends which will be released on November 4th.


Listening to The Eternal Youth acts as a bath of youth for anyone well into their forties. Fra (vocals and guitar), Tonio (drums), Alan (bass) and Doc (guitar) don’t hide it: their style is marked by the rock sound of the 70s and 80s with fury very British accents.

"an old couple" : Fra (in the foreground) and Tonio (drums) have known each other and have been playing together for more than twenty years.   (JM. Guillaud / France Televisions)

Each of the members has already rolled his bump but on stage and in their way of playing, these musicians keep the same freshness. “On knows that we will not become stars” confided the group a few days ago in Ouest-France before a BBC concert in Hérouville-Saint-Clair, near Caen. “But we can still see that there are all ages in the audience, and we are seeing a return to the music of the 90s, with a renewed interest in groups like Nirvana or the Ramones. These are interesting signs. We’re not going to let the flame go out!”

The proof : after Me And You Against The Worldtheir first album released in 2018 thanks to a crowdfunding campaign, then a second, Nothing is ever over, that they could not defend because arrived in March 2020 in full confinement, the Norman group continues its momentum with Life is an Illusion, Love is a Drum.

The four friends on the BBC stage in Hérouville Sain-Clair near Caen, October 27.   (JM. Guillaud / France Televisions)

Half of the titles were composed during the pandemic. First excerpt from this new opus: No Rest For The Wicked (translation : “no rest for the wicked” ).

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