the noose tightens around Mariupol, surrounded by the Russians



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The city of Mariupollocated in the south-east of the country, is the focus of all attention on Sunday April 17. Russian troops control most of the city and have given Ukrainian soldiers an ultimatum to surrender.

It is the last pocket of resistance to Mariupolthe industrial complex Azovstal. Ukrainian soldiers had until 1 p.m. (local hour) to surrender after an ultimatum issued by Moscow.Their only chance to save their lives is to voluntarily lay down their arms and surrender.“, said the spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense. The Ukrainian authorities claim to continue the fight.The elimination of our soldiers, of our men in Mariupol, will put an end to all negotiations“, replied the president Zelensky.

Mariupol is entirely surrounded by Russian forces. Moscow’s goal is to cut off strategic access to the sea fromAzov. In certain controlled neighborhoods by the pro-Russianssoldiers come out, weapons by hand. Civilians line up to receive food aid.We have lived through the horror and we don’t know what awaits us, we live as if we were on top of a volcano”, testifies a resident. At least 20,000 people were killed in Mariupol since the beginning of the war according to the authorities.

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