And when everything lights up, it’s magic!
– Photo: Marlène Laroche
Alan Bol plastic artist on the model of the “Bull Hall” of Lascaux
“Lascaux III” allows as many people as possible to discover this treasure of prehistoric paintings. This facsimile of the Lascaux caves travels the world through Brussels, Paris, Chicago, Korea, Japan and South Africa. The AFSP team showed us the work done on the model which left at the end of November for Belgium. Alan Bol (trained in Fine Arts) is one of the visual artists of the Atelier des Fac-Similés du Périgord (AFSP) team, directed by Francis Rigenbach. The artist, an electrician in his spare time, describes his work on the room of the bulls reproduced in the 60th century of the Lascaux Cave. We also attended the last finishes, before crating for Belgium, and in particular the settings of the electric lighting which allows the best use of the wall paintings. This nomadic exhibition travels the world and is currently in Liège.
– Photo: Marlène Laroche
– Photo: Marlène Laroche