the nightmarish memories of Alexandra Lamy… The famous actress empties her bag!

This Thursday, October 27, 2022, NRJ12 decided to honor Jean Dujardin. The report broadcast by the channel will retrace his incredible journey. At 50, the famous actor has forever marked the history of French cinema. After having surveyed the scenes of the café-théâtres of Paris, the main interested party saw his notoriety explode thanks to the humorous series A boy a girl produced by Isabelle Camus.

Alongside Alexandra Lamy who would later become his wife, Jean Dujardin amused thousands of French people. After this success, the star chained the projects on the screen. But it is mainly thanks to his role in the film The Artist that his notoriety will go beyond borders. With this work by Michel Hazanavicius, Jean Dujardin won the Oscar for best actor in 2012. Accompanied by Alexandra Lamy, the happy father of four children flew to Los Angeles to recover the precious statuette. But at the time, Chloé Jouannet’s mother ruminated… The reason? Being constantly labeled ” woman of “ hurt her deeply.

“Comedians have egos…”

A subject that she agreed to discuss in the columns of the Figaro in 2017: “When he got his Oscar, it was extraordinary,” said the director. “The situation was extraordinary. It was mandatory that they no longer speak to me of my projects and only of him. I accepted it, I never complained. I was very happy for him. “. During this turbulent period, Alexandra Lamy took her troubles patiently… Not without difficulty.

“I was just hurt by a TV show that broke me badly because I had filmed my husband at the Golden Globes with my mobile phone. The producers received so many letters of protest that they came to apologize”added the actress. “It was a very complicated period. Actors have egos, they want to be liked. Two people in a couple who do the same job, it works but when one takes off, it becomes complicated. I felt ‘stuck’ to it for a long time. It took a long time to get out. Today, I know it’s completely over. The labels ‘comedy actress’ and ‘wife of’ have peeled off. I became Alexandra Lamy again”. In 2013, the ex-lovebirds record their divorce to everyone’s surprise. But both seem to have found happiness again!


to see also: Alexandra Lamy blacklisted and ousted from the 20th anniversary bonus of “A guy, a girl”? She finally speaks!

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