the nightmare of the people of Nevada facing an invasion of grasshoppers


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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In a small town in Nevada, in the American West, the inhabitants live a nightmare. Millions of grasshoppers have indeed invaded the city.

It looks like a horror movie. Millions of grasshoppers circulate in the small town of Elko, (Nevada, United States). They swarm everywhere, upsetting the daily life of the inhabitants.We stay inside, we don’t go outside anymore, they fall from the ceiling, it’s disgusting“, relates Precious Drake, a resident. Many residents post videos on social media.

Migration reinforced by global warming

To get rid of swarms of grasshoppers, gardening tools seem derisory.When you’re in the house, it’s like it’s raining because the insects fall when they get unhooked“, says Colette Reynolds, another resident. This species of grasshopper is wingless and therefore moves by walking. Impossible to avoid them on the road. This also complicates access to the city hospital. This is a seasonal migration of grasshoppers, apparently reinforced by global warming.

source site-29