The night of the stag in Argentan.

The previous Cirque Le Roux show, “The Elephant in the room” was a huge success in France, but also internationally with performances in Austria, Germany, Papette and even China.

For this new creation, Charlotte Saliou who directs, specifies that it is new Circus, and not Traditional Circus as we can hear in the collective unconscious. As there is a common thread in the story, a bit like a play, the Compagnie Le roux belongs to the “Circassian Vaudeville”.

The show is designed as a real theater piece with characters that relate to each other, with humor and impressive acrobatic numbers. La Nuit du Cerf is a nod to the cinema and series of the 70s with very pastel colors like at the time. Everything is done so that the spectator feels caught up as if he were entering a series or a film.

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