The night of reading is relayed in the Dordogne

The 2022 edition borrows the words of Victor-Hugo from his collection of poetry, Les Contemplations (1856): “Let’s still love! Let’s still love!”.
Marion Laguerre, Director of the Dordogne-Périgord Departmental Library confirms it: “it is important to bring in reading, through animation and to mix in other arts such as music”.
One can findall events online, but you have to call the establishment concerned before going there because several of them, in the Dordogne, have had to cancel.

The Dordogne is a reader

“I think that in the Dordogne, there is a good readership. When I compare with other territories, here the readers are there. Afterwards, it is sure that there may be age groups who are less readers than others”, explains Marion Laguerre.
The Périgourdin territory also has a substantial offer: there are 200 libraries (or reading points).

Drop in attendance

“We had rather a stability in recent years. But with the pandemic that we are experiencing, unfortunately, there has been a sharp drop in attendance. Nevertheless, I still want to highlight all the work of the employees and library volunteers of Dordogne who continued to maintain services by all means. And I also remind you that the libraries remained open outside of the first confinement”.
Better still, the libraries have adapted and offer home delivery and drive services.

An offer also in digital

All persons registered in a Dordogne establishment have access to a space where there are documents that can be consulted for free. You can see films, listen to music, read the press.

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