The offer will be produced largely by Russian journalists who had to go into exile after the start of the war in Ukraine.
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A new beginning for exiled Russian journalists. The NGO Reporters Without Borders (RSF) announced, Tuesday March 5 in Brussels, the completion of its satellite bouquet project offering the Russian population “independent information”. It will be produced largely by Russian journalists who had to go into exile after the start of the war in Ukraine.
Called “Svoboda” (“freedom” in Russian), this bouquet is intended, according to RSF, “proof that democracies can export independent journalism and reverse the logic of propaganda”Who “abreuve” Russian citizens via state-controlled media. It’s about power “talk about war and war crimes” about Ukraine and not about“a special military operation” (the expression of Russian President Vladimir Putin), underlined the promoters of the project.
A bouquet intended for the Russian-speaking public
This official launch, during a press conference at the European Parliament, was also supported by the Vice-President of the Commission, Vera Jourova, who hailed Svoboda as a welcome tool to combat disinformation. “We have failed in this information war”launched the Czech commissioner, responsible for Values and transparency.
Svoboda’s offering, in Russian, is intended for viewers in Russia, as well as Russian-speaking audiences in neighboring countries, such as Belarus, or the territories of Ukraine occupied by Russian troops. It initially consists of nine radio and television channels, including Radio Sakharov and Novaya Gazeta Europe. The ultimate goal is to accommodate up to 25, RSF said.
The project, financed by the French NGO, benefits from the broadcasting capabilities of the Eutelsat group, with its “Hotbird” satellite constellation. “This allows us to reach 4.5 million Russian homes already equipped with satellite dishes”explained RSF secretary general Christophe Deloire, ensuring that the transmission of content was “secure and reliable”.