the news star in turn victim of an attempted burglary

Anne-Sophie Lapix escaped the worst. On the night of Saturday January 20 to Sunday January 21, 2024, journalist Anne-Sophie Lapix was the target of an attempted burglary. Fortunately, the five people who were arrested in his mansion in the 16th arrondissement of Paris were immediately arrested by the police and placed in police custody. According to Le Parisien, two of them were minors, and the other three were adults. They were all taken into custody by the first judicial police district (DPJ) and the banditry suppression brigade (BRB) of Paris, who jointly took charge of the case.

A few days ago, Anne-Sophie Lapix had alerted the police after noticing that a man tried to force the door of his mansion with a crowbar. Since then, the police have made regular rounds in front of the residence of the journalist who has been overseeing the 8 p.m. broadcast on France 2 for seven years. A few hours before arresting the criminals in flagrante delicto, the police officers from the anti-crime squad spotted a suspicious vehicle, in which the five criminals were traveling. The young men park next to the journalist’s homeand go down, “hidden behind hoods and scarves”report our colleagues.

Anne-Sophie Lapix’s son unmasked and denounced them

In front of the police officers who were watching them without their knowledge, the five burglars climbed the entrance gate of Anne-Sophie Lapix, then squatted in the garden, in the hope of not being repeated. But Anne-Sophie Lapix’s son, Aurélien, 18 years old, who was present in the residence, saw them, and films them using his cell phone. They then flee, but the police wait for them at the exit. They were arrested less than two kilometers later, with some bodily damage caused by a broken window.

During the arrest, the police were able to find in the SUV a silver revolver, numerous tools used for burglary, including several screwdrivers and a crowbar. One of the burglars also carried adhesive rolls, thus suggesting that he was going to use it to gag people in the private residence of Anne-Sophie Lapix. The 51-year-old journalist, contacted by our colleagues at Parisiandid not wish to comment on this news item, which follows those of Nikos Aliagas, Patrick Sébastien, Bruno Guilon or even Vitaa.

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