Video length: 2 min.
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The 20 Hours of Friday May 26 invites you to review the last 24 hours of news in France, in pictures. On the program, the Lavezzi islands affected by over-tourism in Corsica or the travelers who meet in the Camargue to pray to Saint Sara.
They are so beautiful that you have to try to limit access to them. In Corsica, on the Lavezzi islands affected by overtourism, it will now be forbidden to approach the north coast and its small islets by boat or jet ski. The objective is to protect the nesting of couples of terns and cormorants threatened with extinction and to allow the newborns to feed in peace.
A wolf approaching in Hauts-de-France
The blessed crowd that splits the waves in the Camargue during a traditional pilgrimage to Saintes-Marie-de-la Mer. Here every year, from all over the world, travelers come in procession to entrust their year to Saint Sara, patroness gypsies.
It is not yet officially in Hauts-de-France, but is approaching it. In Proven, Belgium, a young two-year-old wolf was spotted in a field two kilometers from the border, for the first time in 200 years in the region. So on the French side, breeders are taking precautions. According to experts, he would be looking for a territory to settle.