Here is one who bides his time, with determination, but without trying to cut corners. Émilien Gailleton, 19, has great references despite his young age: 15 match sheets and 3 ProD2 tries with Agen, his now former club; captain of the XV of France under 20. This summer when making the leap to the Top 14, he opted for Pau rather than more upscale stables ready to welcome him with open arms. “The Section’s project for young people is very developed, which is what tipped the balancesays Gailleton, But I know it’ll be a challenge anyway, a challenge“.
At the post, he will have to face competition from the irremovable Jale Vatubua, from Tumua Manu, revelation of last season, from Eliott Roudil, author of a big pre-season but also from Nathan Decron, well started the season. last before his back injury. “I knew when I arrived that there were a lot of people with a lot of experience in my position, I don’t put more pressure on myself than that“, assures Émilien Gailleton. He intends above all to learn from his teammates: “The goal is to continue my progress, certainly not to have everything right away. I want to keep working to improve in all areas“. And once we give it a chance, take it all the way.
– © Photo credit: Romain Perchicot – Section Paloise