The new year under Covid restrictions, Christiane Taubira in Saint-Denis and these forgotten candidates from the left … Informed by franceinfo of Saturday, December 18, 2021

Every evening, the informed discuss the news on franceinfo.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes

– New anti-Covid measures, the change from a health pass to a vaccination pass. Vaccination of children under 11 relevant when they are little affected by the virus? Cancellation of New Year’s fireworks and concerts, anti-youth measures?

– Christiane Taubira in Saint-Denis, start of the campaign? Can she succeed?

– Marine Le Pen unveils its campaign slogan: “A stateswoman for France “

– Philippe Poutou and Nathalie Arthaud, the forgotten ones of the left?

The guests

Sahra Cheriti, lawyer in labor law at the Lyon bar

Raphaël Kahane, journalist at France 24 and presenter of “The World in All Its States” on France info TV

Yasmina Jaafar, president of La Ruche Media production and journalist at Franc-tireur

Pierre Jacquemain, reditor-in-chief of Regards

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