the new Princess of Wales did not attend this major and worried event!

But where did Kate Middleton go? In this period of transition for the monarchy across the Channel, the main members of the royal family are showing dignity and sadness. The loss of Elizabeth II of England is a great pain for her loved ones as for millions of Britons who cover Buckingham Palace with flowers.

A new era began on September 8, also marked by the advent of a new Prime Minister, Liz Truss. But in this painting, a great absence stands out: that of Kate Middleton. Absent at Balmoral, where the queen breathed her last but also, more surprisingly, absent this Saturday, September 10, at the proclamation of King Charles III, her father-in-law. At the Saint-James Palace, in front of the accession council and some familiar friends of the royal family, Charles III indeed proclaimed under the eye of television cameras from all over the world. Standing by his side were his son William, the new Prince of Wales, and his wife Camilla, the newly queen consort.

The Tweets keep coming!

But no sign of Kate Middleton, new Princess of Wales since September 9. Why is she not present on such an official and solemn day? An absence that questions thousands of Internet users, especially since the young woman is particularly popular. We would have seen her only once briefly, in her car, on September 8, dark glasses and looking stressed, on the way to her children’s brand new school, the Lambrook school. We know that the mother of George, Charlotte and Louis is particularly attentive to their education and delegates very little of her time to devote herself fully to her little princes.

So what’s going on? Does she apply a particular protocol in order to leave her husband alone in the light? The Tweets follow on this subject: “Camilla is at her husband’s side. Where is Kate? She should have been here today. She just picked up her new titles and living her life on her own, that’s it?“A visible dismay grips the British in this difficult time of mourning. They would surely have liked to see the entire royal family, more united than ever in the face of adversity and all the changes that this entails. As for the Prince of Wales, William, he did not hesitate to rush to Balmoral with his uncles in his car to join his dying grandmother. Unfortunately, he will arrive too late to say goodbye. And, this Saturday, we could see him, sad and particularly serious during the ceremony dedicated to his father. A historical chapter and a royal speech focused on the values ​​of tradition and family… but without one of the most beloved members of the general public.

France Live

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