the new president unveils his “shock” measures to revive the economy

Two days after his swearing in, Javier Milei, the new ultraliberal head of state, announced ten concrete and radical measures to get the country’s economy back on its feet. The opposition is on alert.


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Javier Milei, the new Argentine president on the day of his inauguration, December 10, 2023 in Buenos Aires.  (GERMAN ADRASTI / XINHUA / MAXPPP)

Not so crazy after all, this anarcho-libertarian whose words have often crossed the limits of correction. Javier Milei maintained, until Tuesday, December 12, the suspense over the content of his action and it hit hard: devaluation of the peso by 50%, regular division of public administration with the disappearance of half of the ministries and state secretariats. In the public service, all contracts of less than one year will not be renewed. The Argentine State also announces the immediate cessation of all public projects that have not yet started.

Javier Milei had warned everyone and from Tuesday, all prices doubled. After the investment freeze, construction unions estimated that 250,000 workers would find themselves unemployed before the end of the year. A violence necessary to clean up public spending according to Javier Milei and according to the IMF visibly satisfied with the entry into the matter of a president elected for his anti-system speech.

Unions call for protests on December 20

In the wake of its announcements, the new Argentine government also anticipated social protest with a plan intended to carefully regulate the right of Argentines to demonstrate. “We don’t take over the streets, so let them know that if they do there will be consequences. We are going to bring order to the country so that people can live in peace. And to enforce these measures the police will respond in a manner proportionate to the resistance”explained the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, presenting this plan.

Patricia Bullrich’s methods are well known to Argentines. She was already in charge of security between 2015 and 2019. The unions accuse her of being at the origin of several waves of repression and are convinced that her return to business signals Javier Milei’s desire to gag all security initiatives. ‘opposition. All Argentine trade union organizations have already set a date to meet in the streets: Wednesday December 20. It is the anniversary of the social breakdown of 2001. Ultimately no surprise at the shock announced by Javier Milei to his people.

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