Video length: 1 min
2024 legislative elections: the New Popular Front presents its program
Pension reform, SMIC, Palestine… Alliance of left-wing parties for the legislative elections, the New Popular Front unveiled its political program on Friday June 14.
Pension reform, SMIC, Palestine… Alliance of left-wing parties for the legislative elections, the New Popular Front unveiled its political program on Friday June 14.
Final adjustments before the family photo. In the photo, the New Popular Front shows a blended family trying to show its unity. Together, the four main left-wing parties (the PS, LFI, the Ecologists and the PCF) managed to agree on a common program, made up of 150 measures. “We will decide on price blocking measures for food and energy to immediately restore purchasing power to the French,” detailed Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France insoumise.
Also on the agenda, the increase in the minimum wage from 1,400 to 1,600 euros net monthly, the return of wealth tax and the repeal of several texts passed under Emmanuel Macron, starting with pension reform.
In addition, the New Popular Front is committed to acting for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, while denouncing the terrorist massacres of Hamas. But internationally, disagreements remain numerous between the parties. Divergences which will have to be overcome in the event of victory in the early legislative elections.