The New Popular Front must “discuss with other groups outside the RN”, believes socialist MP Emmanuel Grégoire

The socialist MP believes that “if there is no compromise, there will be no government stability” and in the end “there will be a crisis and in the end a resignation of the President of the Republic”.


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Emmanuel Grégoire was the guest of "8:30 am franceinfo"July 29, 2024. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

“The New Popular Front is not the majority on its own, this requires dialogue and openness”says Emmanuel Grégoire, socialist deputy and Paris councilor, guest Monday July 29 on franceinfo. He “must meet the conditions to lead a sustainable policy with governmental stability, therefore meet the conditions to avoid a motion of censure”he continues, he must “discuss with other groups outside the National Rally”.

The former first deputy mayor of Paris explains the roadmap for the left-wing coalition that came out on top: “What is planned are discussions first to deepen a government program, it will be presented, I imagine, by the end of August and at the same time to initiate discussions outside the National Rally.” “If there is no compromise, there will be no government stability. If there is no government stability, there will be a crisis and in the end a resignation of the President of the Republic.”warns the new socialist deputy from Paris.

Emmanuel Grégoire supports the candidacy of Lucie Castets, the candidate designated by the NFP for Matignon, who “is unanimous”A “barycenter respectful of all components” who form the left alliance. “There is obviously La France Insoumise, the communists, the ecologists, the socialists, and then there are many people who took part in this adventure and who do not feel part of any of the parties.”he recalls.

In particular, he denounces the “voice among the NFP” including that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who “seems to have made statements that were not in the interests of the New Popular Front at a certain point”. “I say that if only his voice carries, if only he is heard, it is an imbalance and therefore a problem.”underlines the new Paris MP.

Also in his sights were the comments of the rebel Thomas Portes judging that Israeli athletes were not “not welcome at the Olympics”. “Stupid and useless statements” from the rebellious deputy but who “do not in any way affect the action programme for France”comments Emmanuel Grégoire, who adds that “What is important is that it stops happening regularly”.

“These excesses are also excesses to exist, to live, to impress the media”continues the socialist before affirming that the LFI elected officials are not “In his family” but “in this agreement that we call the New Popular Front, we must be clear about this”. “There is no submission to La France Insoumise” within the left coalition, he adds. “The left is a plurality of commitments and convictions” and the NFP is “a synthesis to be able to govern the country”says the former First Deputy of Anne Hidalgo.

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