Speaking in front of an audience of bosses, the socialist Boris Vallaud defended, on Thursday, the program of the left alliance, which notably wants to restore the solidarity tax on wealth.
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The New Popular Front demands a “effort” of “solidarity and economic patriotism” to billionaires, assumed, Thursday June 20, the socialist Boris Vallaud, in Paris, in front of employers’ organizations. “You have benefited from our schools, (…) our public services, (…) our public subsidies”defended the outgoing leader of the socialist deputies, invited with the “rebellious” Eric Coquerel to represent the left-wing coalition during hearings of the main candidate parties in the legislative elections.
The two men defended the economic program of the New Popular Front, which notably plans to “restore a reinforced wealth solidarity tax (ISF) with a climate component”of “remove the flat tax” and of “reinstate the exit tax”. Criticized for internal disagreements over the costing of the program, Eric Coquerel promised “something homogeneous” by the end of the week. Boos were heard when the elected LFI, outgoing president of the Assembly’s finance committee, made the distinction between “those who produce wealth in this country and those who look above all at stock market prices”.