the new mother is CA-NON and the first names of the children are very original!

“Large families, life in XXl” is the flagship program of TF1 making noise on the Web. Even recently, it was the announcement of a new pregnancy in a family with money problems that created discord on Twitter. What will happen to the new recruits presented this Thursday, June 30 on the show’s official Instagram account?

“Alert: A new Large Family joins the adventure: The Colas Family! Meet Delphine, Olivier and their 5 children!”, announced the account of “Large families, life in XXL”. In a presentation video, we discover the members of the colas familywhose mother, Delphine, is hot.

With Olivier, they are at the head of a blended family of five children. Selena and Gabriel, Delphine’s children. Paul, Louise and Alba the three children they had together. Seven at home, they live in Isère in a beautiful building with an inground pool. And just that, we know it’s going to get people talking!

The little we know about them at the moment is that the parents had a real crush on their first meeting. See you Monday to Friday at 5:25 p.m. on TF1 to find out more about the Colas and follow future dramas closely on social networks!

Antoine FM

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