“We must have a roadmap for the heaviest infrastructures, iron, which does not impact the state budget as before,” defends François Durovray on France Bleu Alsace.
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“We need to have a roadmap for the heaviest infrastructure, iron, which takes tens and decades of years, which does not impact the state budget as it has previously. “estimates Thursday October 3 on France Bleu Alsace François Durovray, new Minister Delegate in charge of Transport.
The president of the Essonne department goes to the mobility congress in Strasbourg on Thursday and pleads for investment in everyday transport: “The challenge is to invest more significantly and in a more sustainable way for all everyday mobility.” But to deal with the debt, of course “we need the State, but also local authorities”in order to invest “massively, to not only improve daily life, but ultimately undoubtedly reduce the cost of transport”, defends François Durovray. “Public transport costs much less on a daily basis than using a car”, according to the minister.
However, he rather pleads for inventing “a new model”. “The period may be complex, explains François Durovray, including from a democratic point of view, but my responsibility as Minister of Transport is to bring about new models. There are a lot of experiences coming back from the field and we need to give local elected officials the means to create a mobility offer.”
He pleads for an alternative to the train: “We talked about trains, but I am pushing a lot for road solutions by coaches which are easy to implement, which are much less expensive“. He believes that he “Above all, we need to have a roadmap for the heaviest infrastructure, iron, which takes tens and decades of years, which does not impact the state budget as it has previously. “.
He thus pleads for bus travel. “An express coach produces up to ten times less CO2 than cars.” and it is “up to ten times cheaper for users who use it”. It is also, for the minister, “optimized travel time thanks to fairly simple arrangements for reserved lanes at bus stations. So ultimately it is time given back to our fellow citizens who today are sometimes in traffic jams and who tomorrow, in a bus, can work , read, be entertained, rest”.