the new migrant routes


France 2

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In the Mediterranean and the English Channel, more and more migrants are said to be trying to cross.

On a boat in distress off Libya, 19 people including three children were rescued by a humanitarian ship. In the Mediterranean, migratory routes have been redrawn. Italy is once again the main gateway to Western Europe. The country absorbs 56% of migrants crossing the Mediterranean. Too large an influx for their main access point, Lampedusa. “It’s a very small island with a very small reception center. So they are very often saturated”says Sophie Beau, director of the SOS Méditerranée association.

A large proportion of migrants arrive in Italy from Libya. Bangladeshis are the most likely to take this journey, along with Egyptians and Tunisians. By land, it is through Serbia that migrants attempt to reach Western Europe. The objective is to enter the European Union via Hungary, then to seek asylum in Austria.

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