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In Senegal, the “repats” are the French of Senegalese origin who have decided to settle in the country, to create their activity there. Report in Dakar.
In Senegal, the term “repat” refers to young French people of African origin, who are on their way back. In Dakar (Senegal), Coumba Sow is one of them. A year ago this Frenchwoman, an executive in a bank in Paris, took off. Today, she accompanies future arrivals in their moving project. “All my youth, all my childhood, I always moved between the two countries. Dual nationality is only a wealth today, to be able to settle in the country of origin while keeping a tie with France”she explains.
More and more requests
That day, she shows an apartment to Coumba Gakou, a French nurse who will be moving there next summer with her family. Requests from newcomers are increasing. Bacary Diedhiou, founder of a trendy restaurant, arrived four years ago and does not regret his move. “We have improved our quality of life here, the weather is good all year round, we are close to the sea, the children have easily integrated into the country”, he said. In his establishment, all the employees are Senegalese. Today, his restaurants employ more than 60 people. “What could be better? We support families”he rejoices, delighted to bring his “stone in the building”.