the new king Frederik


Video length: 1 min

Denmark: new King Frederik

Denmark: the new King Frederik X greeted by the crowd – (FRANCEINFO)

On Sunday January 14, Frederik X was proclaimed king of Denmark. His mother, Margrethe II, abdicated after 52 years of reign.

On the balcony of the royal Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen (Denmark), the new King Frederik X greeted his subjects on Sunday January 14. His mother, Margrethe II, has just abdicated after 52 years on the throne. A few hours earlier, in front of the royal family’s residence, thousands of people, sometimes crowned, had gathered in the streets of Copenhagen.

The last coronation was in 1660

A craze worthy of the event. In Denmark, the last coronation dates back to 1660. On Sunday, early in the afternoon, Frederik X and his wife, Queen Mary, strolled through the streets of the capital, cheered by the crowd. The transfer of power took place at the seat of Parliament. Alongside her son, Queen Margrethe II signed her declaration of abdication. At the age of 55, Frederik X was proclaimed king of Denmark.

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