the new hallucinating figures of a new posthumous success!

Almost a month ago, Johnny Hallyday would have celebrated his 79th birthday. Since the death of Taulier in 2017 at the age of 74, posthumous artistic projects have multiplied. And always successfully! In 2020, Taulier fans had the chance to discover the symphonic album Johnnywhich has sold more than 500,000, under the leadership of Yvan Cassar, the artist’s musical director.

After such numbers, a sequel was unveiled. Entitled Johnny: Act II, the opus is composed of 12 songs revisited in symphonic or acoustic arrangements. A record on which you can find a new version of I promise you, for example, or even The music I love, I come across it every morning, Laura, The Penitentiary, Love me Tender, Don’t leave me… Today, the SNEP (the National Union of Phonographic Publishing, editor’s note) announced a new example. In the space of 10 months, the album exceeded 100,000 sales, allowing it to win the famous platinum certification. This of course includes physical sales, downloads and streaming.

As a reminder, the tour Johnny Symphony Tour kicked off on June 8 and 9 at the Salle Pleyel in Paris. She will travel all over France but also in Switzerland and Belgium from March 2023. “We are working on immersive sound so that no matter where people are in the room, they have the real perception of sound. The most important thing is the sound. I am happy to be able to give people an experience to the excess of Johnny: 60 musicians, 40 singers (…) There will be graphic work, photos… so that he can be with us”explained Yvan Cassar to our colleagues in the columns of The voice of the North.

See also: Joy, Johnny Hallyday’s youngest daughter, makes a heartbreaking call for help on TikTok: she can’t mourn…

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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