the new government formed, Giorgia Meloni is sworn in


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The newly formed Italian government was sworn in on the morning of Saturday 22 October. At its head is Giorgia Melonithe First far-right minister, the first woman to hold this post.

The first Italian government family photo was taken on the morning of Saturday 22 October. In the presidential palace, Giorgia Meloni was sworn in first before the President of the Republic.I swear to be faithful to the Republic and to respect the Constitution and the laws“, she said. To form her government, the new president of the council wanted to go quickly. Barely in office, she appeared in a united coalition, ready to govern.

“We have to face the national and international emergency“, assured Giorgia Meloni. The First minister has shown that she has mastered her allies and has surrounded reassuring personalities for international bodies such as Antonio Tajani, deputy European and former President of the European Parliament. He becomes Minister of Foreign Affairs. Matteo Salvini gets one of the biggest ministries, that of infrastructure. The handover will take place tomorrow morning.

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