the new faces of the National Rally make their entry into the hemicycle


Article written by

H. Capelli, T. Curtet, V. Lerouge, M. Birden, S. Lisnyj, F. Goncalves, LJ. Pannetier, A. d’Abrigeon – France 2

France Televisions

Marine Le Pen and the recently elected deputies of the National Rally arrived on Wednesday, June 22, at the National Assembly. In total, 89 RN deputies will sit in the hemicycle.

Police officer and former world boxing champion, Antoine Villedieu is about to step into another ring in his new costume: that of deputy of the National Rally of Haute-Saône. He found, Wednesday, June 22, his fellow deputies of the RN. All will take their first steps in the National Assembly, with some apprehension. “A little bit of stress, a little impatience”slips Antoine Villedieu.

Marine Le Pen, deputy (RN) of Pas-de-Calais, can have a smile. Never had there been so many RN deputies. They are now 89 in total, and in his eyes, his group is the most representative of the French. Among these deputies are unexpected new elected officials, such as Katiana Levavasseur, maintenance worker in a supermarket. “Like what, we can start from nothing and arrive at the National Assembly”, confides the deputy (RN) of Eure. Others are delivery drivers, carers, temporary workers at La Poste… They find other rather unusual profiles on the benches of the left who have already discovered the hemicycle on Tuesday June 21.

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