the new deputies make their entry into the National Assembly


Article written by

B. Garguy-Chartier, D. Karcher-Mourgues, T. Maillet, V. Bouffartigues, F. Le Moal, C. Pary, B. Veran, R. Gardeux, France 3 regions, Polynesia La Première, V. Huon – France 3

France Televisions

The day after the second round of the legislative elections, Monday, June 20, newly elected deputies come to take their marks at the Bourbon Palace, where they will sit for the first time.

Monday, June 20, the day after the second round of the legislative elections, deputies, elected for the first time, take their marks in the National Assembly. Among them, Danielle Simonnet, elected from La France insoumise. “You are a national representative, a deputy of the nation (…) it is both an honor, and it requires both great humility”, she assures. Rachel Keke, chambermaid and symbol of union struggle against her employer, will be at her side at the Palais Bourbon. For the deputy Nupes-La France insoumise of Val-de-Marne, we must not “Don’t give up in life, don’t get discouraged”.

Antoine Villedieu, former boxer and double world champion, was elected. “I’m not one to let go and I didn’t let go and went all the way”, notes the deputy National Rally of Haute-Saône. At 21, Tematai Le Gayic, Nupes deputy from Polynesia, becomes the youngest deputy of the Fifth Republic, a record previously held by Marion Maréchal Le Pen.

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